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Ferris Bueller's Day Off : Museum Scene Analysis

First of all, Ferris Bueller's Day Off is a movie directed John Hughes, released in 1986. It is the story of Ferris, a Senior who is an expert at skipping high school. One particular day, he decides to call in sick as an excuse. His girlfriend Sloane and his anxious best friend Cameron join his adventure. On that day, they decide to sneak in a fancy restaurant, sing in a parade, ride an expensive car, and visit a museum. This scene is one of my favorites because it illustrates beautifully the personality of the characters. To begin with, in my opinion, Cameron is the most interesting character of the movie. It is true that Ferris is admired because of his charisma and carelessness, but Cameron has a more realistic and psychological backstory. The strangest moment of this scene is the one where Cameron is completely focusing on the details of a painting. The camera zooms in on his eyes and then on the painting. I believe this is a way of showing how Cameron is worried about ever


First of all, this video was published by Animalkind on April 8th of 2020. Due to the Corona virus expanding, zoos as well as other public spaces are closed. This YouTube video  shows zoo animals getting the chance to explore other animals' habitats. We see the faces of armadillos, sea lions, tegu lizards , penguins, dogs, tigers, camels and more discovering each other. It's fun to look at these animals getting so curious and running around, examining the new animals they meet. The zoo workers also appear in this video, they are in charge of making sure that the animals are visiting each other safely. Furthermore, I believe that this video can be linked to the Spaces and exchanges Notion. The reason why, to begin with, is that the zoo can be defined as a public space. Therefore, exchanges are forced to happen. For example, visitors pay in exchange for the permission to take a look at some animals and learn about them. Zoo guides and visitors communicate


Asymptomatic means “showing no evidence of disease.” Just because a person is asymptomatic doesn’t mean they aren’t infected with COVID-19. Community spread is spread of a disease where the infection source is unknown. According to the CDC, many sources of COVID-19 are due to exposure to a returned traveler who was infected. Coronavirus refers to any of various RNA-containing spherical viruses of the family Coronaviridae, including several that cause acute respiratory illnesses. Notable types of coronavirus are SARS , MERS , and COVID-19. COVID-19 is popularly referred to as (the) coronavirus or corona for short. COVID-19 is referred to as the novel coronavirus because it is a new ( novel ) virus (i.e., it hasn’t been detected before). Novel coronavirus can be abbreviated as nCoV . When looked at under a microscope, coronaviruses appear to be surrounded by a spiky array thought to look like a corona , or a crown-like shape, hence the name coronavirus. COVID-19

Exchanges in Real Spaces & Virtual Spaces

SPACES & EXCHANGES -  Exchanges in  Real Spaces & Virtual Spaces These two cartoons might illustrate the following 'key issue' ('problématique'):  How far is the boundary between real and virtual spaces  becoming increasingly blurred nowadays? Study each of the following documents along the following lines: 1. Description 2.Meaning 3. Conclusion: LINK WITH NOTION = KEY ISSUE  To be published before Friday 03/04 3 pm DOC.1    Ace Computers , by Harvey Schwadron At first sight, the cartoon's scene seems to be located in the street. There's a computer shop in the foreground : "Ace Computers". Next to it, there's a man walking by, reading the store's advertisement. The billboard is aimed at Eco-tourists, trying to persuade them that staying home, visiting "exotic travel websites" does zero harm to the environment. Furthermore, Harvey Schwardon wants us to interpret this cartoon, reflectin


POST 11: SPACES & EXCHANGES: A MIND MAP Study the mind map on the Baccalauréat notion known as 'Spaces & Exchanges'. Then, please write three paragraphs   describing the clear-cut distinction it is based on (paragraph 1)  and explaining/defining at least ten of the types of spaces (five in paragraph 2) and exchanges (five in paragraph 3) listed in the spidergram. PUBLICATION DEADLINE: Wednesday 25/03 6 pm At first sight, we can make up a clear distinction between real spaces and virtual spaces. The latter is composed of spaces only found in the Internet. In opposition, the rest of spaces are found in the real world. As for exchanges, we can see that they are also divided in real or virtual ones First of all, let's take a look at the real spaces.  Different zones of a country can be classified. There's the countryside (with rural lifestyles), there are the small towns, then the big cities. This last location is generally touched by globalization, but i


First of all, I chose the music video of the song Zero Gravity by Finnish metal band Wolfheart to illustrate the notion of Spaces and Exchanges. Let's take a look at the lyrics: Profound is the grief Fathomless and downhearted is the silence Overwhelms like a flood Drowns into the deep dark waters   The ocean floor Somber and bleary surrounding Beneath the ice Frozen surface has begun To block the light of the sun   The absence of light Breeds and altered reality Faithful and familiar   Desolation, despair Like a dead space inside of me Creates a zero gravity Existence Without intention   Footprints on the snow Covered by the frozen rain from the north A trace leading into the dark A grand isolation   Cold is the air to inhale Cold is the heart impaired Glacial blood runs in your veins Pitch-black and frosty ichor   The absence of light Breeds and altered reality Faithful and familiar   Desolation, despair Like a dead space inside of me C

POST 10: Elephant, a Gus Van Sant movie (2003)

After viewing the film Elephant , please answer the following questions and illustrate each of your answers by inserting a suitable picture from the film (= ten answers + ten pictures in all): 1) What struck you most in the film? What struck me the most about this movie is its slowness. However, in my view, I see this as a perfect way to illustrate our everyday life. Also, I found the shots of the clouds in the sky interesting, as it reminded me that in Norse mythology, the clouds are in reality the thoughts of a giant. In that way, those camera shots could represent the school shooter's mind. 2) What also impressed you? What impressed me is how the director focused on the students' normal daily lives. I find it really interesting how he depicted this by having a camera follow the characters all the time and by showing long scenes where for example Elias reveals his photographs in the dark room. 3) Did you find anything more particularly upsetting ? What I found


 Please, carry out a web search on  MARCH FOR OUR LIVES , a movement that can be regarded as a counter-power opposed to the gun lobby in the USA. You may access their  Website  where you will find out more about this movement. View the various videos and study the photographs and accompanying text. Then, please write a few lines about their  mission statement  (= aims and values) and  mottos  (= slogans) and insert  ONE picture  (with caption, date and  brief description + interpretation ) that might be your individual document for the Baccalauréat oral exam next June. First of all, March For Our Lives is a movement that started after numerous school shootings in the USA. Students want laws on guns to decrease violence. About 40 000 Amercians die every year because of suicide with a gun. The reason for this is the easy access to weapons.  One of their mottos is "We are the revolution". This shows that marchers want a real change on gun control, and no