Please, carry out a web search on MARCH FOR OUR LIVES , a movement that can be regarded as a counter-power opposed to the gun lobby in the USA. You may access their Website where you will find out more about this movement. View the various videos and study the photographs and accompanying text. Then, please write a few lines about their mission statement (= aims and values) and mottos (= slogans) and insert ONE picture (with caption, date and brief description + interpretation ) that might be your individual document for the Baccalauréat oral exam next June. First of all, March For Our Lives is a movement that started after numerous school shootings in the USA. Students want laws on guns to decrease violence. About 40 000 Amercians die every year because of suicide with a gun. The reason for this is the easy access to weapons. One of their mottos is "We are the revolution". This shows that marchers want a real change on gun control, and no