First of all, Ferris Bueller's Day Off is a movie directed John Hughes, released in 1986. It is the story of Ferris, a Senior who is an expert at skipping high school. One particular day, he decides to call in sick as an excuse. His girlfriend Sloane and his anxious best friend Cameron join his adventure. On that day, they decide to sneak in a fancy restaurant, sing in a parade, ride an expensive car, and visit a museum. This scene is one of my favorites because it illustrates beautifully the personality of the characters. To begin with, in my opinion, Cameron is the most interesting character of the movie. It is true that Ferris is admired because of his charisma and carelessness, but Cameron has a more realistic and psychological backstory. The strangest moment of this scene is the one where Cameron is completely focusing on the details of a painting. The camera zooms in on his eyes and then on the painting. I believe this is a way of showing how Cameron is worried about ever
First of all, this video was published by Animalkind on April 8th of 2020. Due to the Corona virus expanding, zoos as well as other public spaces are closed. This YouTube video shows zoo animals getting the chance to explore other animals' habitats. We see the faces of armadillos, sea lions, tegu lizards , penguins, dogs, tigers, camels and more discovering each other. It's fun to look at these animals getting so curious and running around, examining the new animals they meet. The zoo workers also appear in this video, they are in charge of making sure that the animals are visiting each other safely. Furthermore, I believe that this video can be linked to the Spaces and exchanges Notion. The reason why, to begin with, is that the zoo can be defined as a public space. Therefore, exchanges are forced to happen. For example, visitors pay in exchange for the permission to take a look at some animals and learn about them. Zoo guides and visitors communicate